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10-A-Day Speaks Gavel Club

The 10-A-Day Speaks Gavel Club is a public speaking, communication, and debate program for kids. Our goal is to train and develop effective communicators and leaders, who possess a high level of confidence in their public speaking skills.  The students use these skills in areas such as speech presentations, spoken word poetry, prose, storytelling, dramatic interpretation, impromptu, extemporaneous, and oratory speaking skills.


The benefit with improving verbal communication skills is this also improves written communication skills, since most people write exactly how they talk.


Please click here for detailed information about the 10-A-Day Speaks Gavel Club.  You can visit us on Facebook.

The First Annual 2013 Toastmasters International District 44 Youth Speech Contest - 1st place Winner Jovian Lawrence
The Second Annual 2014 Toastmasters International District 44 Youth Speech Contest - 1st place Winner Jalyn Lee
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